
Do you have any question?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The Tanaguru Engine and Tanaguru Contrast Finder tools are two open source projects, under AGPL 3.0 license. You can therefore freely install them on your own servers.
However, if you do not have the technical means or skills to install your Tanaguru server, you can subscribe to a SaaS subscription and benefit from an up-to-date Tanaguru Engine.
In addition, we are available to assist you in the implementation, training, customization or support of Tanaguru tools.

Page audit and site audit use two different techniques to analyze the page code. The first is based on the HTML generated by the page (i.e. after executing the scripts) and the second on the source code of the page (only HTML).

We are currently working to improve page audits.

After registering for Tanaguru Engine's free demo, it happens that the mail arrives in the "junk mail" folder, just check that the mail is not there.

To launch a site audit, it is necessary to define the URL of the project in the Contract. Without the URL, you will be able to perform page, file or scenario audits, but not site audits.

Well, no ;). It is a first step that will put you on the right path to accessibility, but Tanaguru Engine does not cover all the tests of accessibility standards (RGAA 3 and WCAG 2.0).
Try to go further by processing Tanaguru Engine's pre-qualified elements and don't hesitate to have a look at the W3C easy checks!

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