Developing websites
With its multidisciplinary skills, the Tanaguru team offers to carry out your accessible website developments.
Today, few agencies are trained or have expertise in web accessibility. Using a traditional agency for an accessible project will then generate additional costs for team training or the support of accessibility experts. This feedback has given rise to the preconceived idea that accessibility would be costly to implement. This idea is partially true. Indeed, accessibility has a cost but it can be managed and strongly lowered by integrating it natively into your projects.
At Tanaguru, these additional costs are minimized thanks to a trained and experienced team, for whom accessibility in itself is not a subject: it is an inherent part of our intentions and therefore of our development processes.
Accessibility is not our only concern, our team also has Web Quality skills that allow us to take your projects even further.
This is why, used to supporting web projects and adding project workload (training, audit, consulting, acceptance), the Tanaguru team offers accessible development services. And with our network of partners on the graphic part, we can handle your small and medium projects with a strong appetite for PHP projects (Drupal or WordPress).
Our projects in a few words
Discover some development projects made by the Tanaguru team
Project: Valentin Haüy Media Library – Éole
Project type: Corporate website
Year: 2017
Used technologies: Drupal, ElasticSearch
We are very proud to have been able to support the Valentin Haüy association in our first projects and the redesign of the Éole digital library of adapted books website, with the goal of providing a quality website where accessibility, usability and performance would be at the same time.
The creation of this website is for us an exemplary project, where accessibility has been increased to almost its maximum. Respecting aesthetics and simplicity. We have also implemented Orange’s Confort Plus solution to allow complete customization of the interface.
Project: Valentin Haüy Foundation
Project type: Corporate website
Year: 2018
Used technologies: Drupal, Stripe (donation functionality)
The Valentin Haüy Foundation wanted to redesign its corporate website. It called on Tanaguru to set up this Drupal website integrating a donation system compliant with the RGAA (AA level) for both the front office and the back office (site administration).
Project: A11y Paris
Project type: Showcase website
Year: 2019
Used technologies: HTML/CSS/JS, PHP
For the 2nd edition of the accessibility day jointly organized by AVH, Tanaguru and WebAssoc, Tanaguru designed and developed the showcase website for the event.
Project: Reeeboot
Project type: Showcase website
Year: 2017
Used technologies: HTML/CSS/JS
Tanaguru created the showcase website for the REEEBoot program, run by Pôle Emploi (the French employment agency) in particular, which aimed to support associations and NGOs committed to helping people return to work.
Project: Tanaguru
The website you are on has been developed by us, with accessibility at the heart of our considerations. However, because we are always looking to improve, if you have any comments to send us or any bugs you have found, please do not hesitate to contact us by form.